
NONE OF ‘EM DEAD ©David G Smith
Three of our best have gone missing
No goodbye or tip of the hat
They disappeared and then came the fear
There’s no way we’d get em back
Who’s to say that we lost em
Bill and David and John
The day they checked out took a train headin’ south
Was the day their music lived on

Now they’re riding the tracks
With Guy Clark and Van Zandt
Who asked em what took ya so long
None of em dead
They just went on ahead
And are gathered around their next song
Smoking and joking and singin’ their stuff
Waiting for us to catch up

Part angel, part desperado
Half-crazy but ever so wise
They could impart advice from the heart
With words that lit up our lives
These free spirits were no good
At waiting around to die
They put in their miles wearing illegal smiles
Then jumped that train to the other side

Singin’ Dear Abby, Flesh & Blood
Lean On Me, I Don’t Love You Much
Pancho and Lefty and Billy The Bum
Waiting for us to catch up

None of em dead they just went on ahead
And are waiting for us to catch up